Thursday, October 22, 2009

my website sucks

a breadcrumb navigation system at the bottom of the page keeps the reader/user up to date as to where they are on the site.
describe links carefuly so that there is more direction in the readers movement through the site.

keyword spotting-most readers look through for keywords rather than read, so i should place emphasis on important words, even in the body text.
reading selectively-I should break up seperate points, even on the same page, so that readers can get to the information they're looking for faster.

users read 18% of a page, so make what counts obvious
F shaped reading habits- place information in an F shape, keep in mind the information that lies along the bottom and right side will not likely be read.

doesn't suck
-has video
-emphasizes important things
is not over clutter (contentwise at least, colors is very cluttered)

-looks different on different browsers
-colors look like they were chosen by a blind person
-layout is shifted off in multiple places
-some entries are light and lacking multimedia


  1. Your website is nice and clean. No clutter all over the place. The top font is really cool, and I like the multi-layer feeling with a background on the way back.

    I like how you made some parts of the font really big, but maybe it's a little too big. Good use of pictures. According to that stuff we read, you should put some links in the middle of your text that people can click.
    I kind of don't like how the text starts right next to the bottom of the video on some pages.

    Links are precise and easy to find & understand. Interesting topic.

    -Very visually appealing design
    -Good use of sidebars
    -Very easy to navigate

    Things to improve on:
    -Not so obvious what the topic is
    -When the site first loaded I had no idea what I was going to find on the site
    -Extra space going on down below the text

  3. the points that you make in this post are helpful. Also, the design of your website seems very effective. Especially because of the whole, no scrolling thing. I believe the best advice for you is the fact that your paragraphs should be broken up a little more because they are a bit intimidating. Also, possibly add a bit more media to it in order to dram a reader in. Lastly, add more links for readers to click on so that they will remain interested. And do the whole F-shaped pattern thing because that site said it was useful.

  4. 1.)Is it easy to navigate around in?
    yes the splash page only has 3 or 4 links on it and minimal amounts of writing which is great because it leads me to the nav bar on the left and makes me click one of the two choices.
    2.) Is there symmetry from page to page (One can expect where the navigation on the next page. etc)
    yes there is, i can expect that certain things are goin to be there when i click on another page
    3.) Does the Background and animation interfere with the main purpose of hypertext?
    not at all, the text is the main focus and the background doesnt interfere
    4.) Does the text and overall look of site match the intended audience?
    5.)Does the hypertext offer many different ways to reach differnt places?

  5. I liked how you broke up your navigation into different subparts. This added a new level of organization to your hyptertext. I was intrigued by the enchancement of specific words at the beginning of your paragraphs however I felt some of them were just large with their fonts merely because they were at the beginning of the paragraph. Make sure the enhanced words are those that you want to stand out and carry through the webpage. Good work though, love the layout and all the multimedia you used!

  6. aesthetically your site works very well. your enlargened fonts draw eyes towards keywords and will help direct users that will only want to skip around.

    my only criticism is that the table is way too long, and requires every page to scroll down to get to the bottom, which reveals nothing but white space, other than that it is really well designed, and i like the topic
