Thursday, October 22, 2009

Josh's "I Resign" Website in the Making

Improvements that could me made
1. Link up text to my pages....add more links within the text
2. Possibly add some sort of color (if it fits with the theme of my website)
3. Have large amounts of text (split into tables to make it look less overwhelming)

Things I like about my website:
1. aesthetically pleasing (everything is aligned very well)
2. the theme and the background color work very well with one another
3. The foundation of each page is consistent with the one before it.
4. Sufficient amounts of pictures and videos are used to further emphasize my point.

JERZ (two points on navigation that I find helpful but have not included in my site yet)
1. Group similar pages together
2. Using PlaceHolder text in my menus

LIU (two points about reading behavior that I think would cause me to revise my website)
1. Different age groups might spend more time looking at specific portions of my page that interest them or stand out to them.
2. "I want to skip ahead to the end of long articles."

NIELSEN (find at least two concepts that I haven't previously thought about or that I will inspire me to redesign some aspects of my website)

1. 80% of people that use the internet just "scan" the page for important sentences.
2. On the average Web page, users have time to read at most 28% of the words during an average visit; 20% is more likely.

My Checklist

Checklist for Hypertexts

  • Did the author use tables to separate huge blocks of writing if he or she had a lot of writing?
  • Did the author use images or videos to emphasize their point?
  • Did the graphics the author used coincide with the foundation of each page of their website?
  • Did the author make his or her website consistent? (Is the “Home Page” link in the same spot on each page?)
  • Did the author group pages that were similar (in their site) together to make the site as a whole easier to understand to the reader?


  1. The content on the homepage is a bit lengthy but I think it really jazzes it up to have certain words in bold. Keeps it interesting. You're homepage is very intriguing with the Obama video and "Unite Against Racism" logo.

    Some of the pages (Elie Wiesel) I felt a little overwhelmed by the multiple videos, large block of text, and various pictures. The two pictures of the Elie Wiesel page are basically the same, it might help to just have one? Idk just a suggestion.

    You're purpose is really good. People care about Racism. I like the fact that you add a lot of your own experience and opinion to it.

    Great Job Josh!!

  2. I really like all the images you have and the videos. i think it adds a lot to your website. The one thing I'm not a huge fan of though, sorry, is the choice of font you chose for the navigation bar and headings. It's visually hard to read and follow and looks very overwhelming. The content is good though, and once you add the rest of your text im sure it will be good too. Maybe make your navigation bar's border 0 so it doesn't outline each link? just an idea. I think the rollover image is relaly cool! Text wise again maybe break up your bigger paragraphs into smaller paragraphs or bullets or something so it's easier for the reader to scan. If theres a way to fix the side so you don't need to scroll to the side to see everything maybe fix that too so its easier for the reader!

  3. Josh:
    Intersting topic! For your home page I would make the information more concise or split up the paragraph because it's overwhelming as a viewer to see so much text right away. I like how symmetrical and organized your website is. I seem to always know where I am and what exactly I'm about to read, which is really good. I would link some of the background info off of the page because the navigation bar is pretty huge: it will make your topic seem more specific. All the links work and relate to the text that is there. Nice work!

  4. 1. Is navigation easy?
    navigation is easy. the navigation bar is easily located and the titles are explicit and informative
    2. Can you spend less than 5 seconds on each page and still comprehend the purpose/information?
    because there is a ton of information, pictures, and videos on each page 5 seconds is not enough time to understand what you are trying to say...Think about shortening info or making general ideas more evident
    3. Are keywords/point highlighted?
    keywords/points are highlighted but still a little difficult to track..i would maybe underline them in addition to the bold or maybe make the font bigger....
    4. Is the website visually stimulating and do the images work?
    the website is visually stimulating and the black and white works with your topic. you were smart in the organization of the videos and pictures and i think making them black and white really adds to the pages. the images and videos also make sense with each individual page which is awesome
    5. Are there logical categories with the information within the categories making sense?
    the categories make sense and the information within the categories is relative but because people only spend so much time and only read about half of what youve written i think shortening some categories or condensing some ideas might be effective.

    i really liked your website i think you did a nice job of relating your experience with major events/people in history. the website was well organized and there was nothing out of place. i understood what you were trying to convey and i liked reading it. success.

  5. The topic of your website is very interesting. Your font that you chose goes with the pages you created. The use of bolded words was very good because when people skim through your page, the bolded words attracts your eye. You may want to break up some of the text you have into smaller paragraphs in order to make it easier on the reader. I felt like the video you had on the right side of your MLK page was a little out of place. The information you provided is very detailed and it goes with what you are trying to say.

  6. Things to improve:
    - all the different fonts are very busy
    - too many tabs that are confusing
    - instead of putting all teh tabs on the one page, you should go to a second page and link to another one from that one, not all of the pages from the home page, it is overwhelming.
    - try to add links in text
    - cannot tell the main point of the site quickly
