Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Resign

Dear High School Italian Teacher,
I quit your stupid class! This class has been the biggest waste of time and effort that I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing! You have not taught me a single useful tool for the AP Italian exam or for my general knowledge of Italian this whole year! I know that you are young and English is your second language, so here is some advice: GO BACK TO SCHOOL (preferably in Italy). It is obvious to me and to every other student in this class that you are not capable of teaching any subject at this time. I don’t care if Italian is your native language; that fact does not mean you are good at teaching it to high school students. You may have fooled the administration, but we know better. Even if they ignore our numerous complaints about your class we know the truth about your so called “teaching abilities.”
Let me help you understand something. We are in a college preparatory high school. That means we have five or six other classes and most of them are fairly demanding. Therefore, I do not have infinite time to spend doing your pointless assignments. Leaving you a voicemail every single week of me reading what I wrote about an article does not in any way, shape, or form help my conversational abilities. I can not think of a single, everyday situation when I would ever need to prepare speeches about newspaper articles that I have read in Italian. In fact, I feel as though my conversational Italian abilities have greatly decreased over this past year.
And if you want us to learn Italian grammar, you may want to think about actually teaching some of it to us. And no, unfortunately, passing out ten confusing handouts on the same subject matter does not count as teaching the material to us. And no, showing us powerpoints of those same handouts still will not help us understand the material better.
Another thing you need to learn is how to control your classroom. If you show us no respect and treat us like children you can not possibly expect us to respect you. Stomping your foot in an effort to make us be quiet not only will not work, but it will also make us laugh because you will look ridiculous. Choosing favorites in the class also will not make any of us like you more. In fact, blatantly picking on certain students will make us respect you even less because not only is that immature, it is also rude and unkind. Likewise, announcing bad, or even good, grades in front of the whole class is rude. Telling certain students that they need tutoring in front of the whole class is also rude. Those are confidential matters and, despite what the custom may be in Italy, in the United States at least a little bit of respect and privacy are called for in those situations.
Overall, I would have to say that you are the worst teacher that I have ever had the bad luck of being in the presence of and I whole-heartedly resign from your class. I send my condolences to any of your future students.
Marie Galetto


  1. I agree. I had this same problem with my spanish teacher.
    i think the other groups affected should be other students, future students who want to enroll in that class, the administration, the other teachers, and...trying to think of antother 1. Il let u know

  2. Here are my ideas for your 5 groups of people:
    Students taking this teacher's Italian class, High school Italian teachers, the administration that hires Italian teachers, high school teachers in general trying to discipline students, and other students taking Italian in high school from a different teacher.

    If you wanted, you could also generalize it to the experience that a foreigner may have teaching in their second language.

