Thursday, October 22, 2009

Does my website suck ?

After looking at the article, I think that my website doesn't suck because: my links are clearly labeled, it is easy to navigate, and the content is broken down into categories. I fear that my website might suck because: on some of my pages viewers have to scroll down, some of my pages are inconsistent in color, text, and graphics, and, some of my content may be too long.

heres my site:

From class today I discovered the following:
1. It is important to have a Home link on every page of the website (typically in the upper left corner)
2. You should place navigation on the top and bottom of every page
3. People spend less time reading and more time browsing
4. When people browse they look for keywords
5. You should use highlighted keywords so that they are easy to spot when readers are scanning
6. Informative, rather than clever sub-headings are best so that the viewers know exactly what they are reading about. It is also helpful to make bulleted lists to keep the text clear and concise


  1. hey!!
    your website is really cool the fonts that you have really set the mood for the website. I also really like the personal quotes and its super easy to navegate through. The only things that could change is that there is a picture that does not show up, and some of the backgrounds of the pages might distractt the reader from the text. Overall though this website is really good!!good job!!

  2. -the fonts for the navigation bar are awesome
    -content is good and well written

    -maybe have a consistent background for all the pages
    -picture on the media madness page does not show up

  3. I like...
    1) the font on the navigation page. very unique
    2) the very powerful pictures

    I dislike...
    1) that you have to move across your first page horizontally.
    2)the "how can we stop it?" page has a complete different color scheme.

  4. lauren.
    ur site is really cool i like the backgrounds and the flaming titles. its good with information, but on one page its a litttttttttle to much.
    there are a few things i would recommend working on. try working on making the pages smaller, on all of them you have to scroll left to right to see everything. most users dont like doing that.
    also, on the second page, the navigation bar is to spread out. bring them closer together.
    on the judging page, there are to many pictures in one area, spread out a few at least rathe rthan have them all bunched.
    but the information you have is good, i knew what u were talking about from the beginning.
    good job.

