Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I Resign!

Dear Prejudice and Racism,

I AM SO FREAKING DONE WITH ALL YOUR CRAP. During high school, I experienced some racism (not directed at me personally) directed at my religion, Judaism. I never thought I would see or hear some of this stuff at my high school. Around school, I would hear some people calling their friends “Jews” to imply that they were cheap if they wouldn’t them borrow money. I would also hear “super-jewed” a lot. Something that meant the same thing along the lines of “gypped” (gypsied). These two slang terms were said around campus all the time and I didn’t realize it. When I first heard them I was infuriated beyond belief. I encouraged people stop, because it was extremely racist. Just because they were at a Catholic high school didn’t give them the right to be prejudice against Jews for any reason at all. The same stands for outside the school grounds. Why are people so messed up still? I’ve seem this on Facebook in worse forms and can’t believe my eyes. I am the type of person that likes to speak up for myself and my rights. When I first encountered these things I had to immediately do something to silence the racism and prejudice against my religion. IT HAD TO STOP or the administration was going to be hearing from me, simple as that. If someone is putting Jews down in any way in the shape or form of a slang term is practically spitting in my face (no matter if I hear it or not). The emotions that I would express are those of sheer anger that I would have the power to punch a hole through a wall. This is all just utterly disgusting. Like I said before, I am very strong about standing up for my own rights and the rights of others around me. In this case, it was my religion. Something intense as religion, judging from the Holocaust during WWII, means A LOT to me. I feel very strongly for what happened to my ancestors in the Holocaust and would spit in the face of anyone who would even remotely do anything close to an insult these days. I am sure this stuff is not restricted to my high school and that it happens everywhere. I know me telling people to stop is not going to be enough. People need to take action because everyone should be treated equally, that is what this country is built around. Millions of Jews were killed in the Holocaust and some people in Germany still don’t believe that it occurred which infuriates me. Hearing all this racism and prejudice by people that I thought were my friends in high school is unacceptable. I quit from all of this madness. I will stand up for my religion in any situation and this is most definitely one of them. Injustice ended a long time ago. It is time that followers of Judaism like myself are shown some equality. NO RACISM OR PREJUDICE INCLUDED. PERIOD.

-Josh Ronen

1 comment:

  1. So I see the predominance of two groups, mainly those directly affected and offended by this racism and prejudice, and those responsible for it, who are clearly less concerned. another obvious group is the significant portion of people who are not directly affected by the racism or prejudice, though still care, and of this group there are those who take action and those who are passive. The generalization of your topic i think is pretty obvious, but your two original groups would move to the extremes of each side, one being hardcore anti racism and prejudice, offended and concerned about every little thing. On the other side is a group which is completely unconcerned, and in between are the other three groups. You use a lot of facts in your piece above, and though facts are great, you can't actually resign from facts, or what are widely regarded as facts. You might want to focus on either a groups interpretation of these facts, or their ignorance and lack of concern for the significance of these facts(events).
