Thursday, October 8, 2009



I can’t wait until Verizon Wireless picks up the iPhone. I’m sick of you, AT&T. I love when I get my voicemails 3 hours after they were recorded; running around the room with my phone hoisted in the air searching for service is the best; receiving 5 texts at a time and then none for an hour is great. On top of it all, I can’t even rely on the “phone” part of the iPhone. More of my calls are dropped than are connected, and even those that connect are horrible quality. Anyone with an iPhone would say the same. Even though 90% of registered iPhone users say they would recommend the smartphone to a friend, about half of these also said they would gladly and immediately change networks as soon as they were given the chance (Cnet news for statistics). One would think that with the amount of money being dumped into your company—thanks to Apple—you would finally be able to upgrade, add to, and improve your cell network to show us some results, but no, it’s never going to happen, is it? Your exclusivity contract with Apple was the best thing to ever happen to your company. No need to compete with other companies for customers; you are just lucky Apple chose you. Thanks to the iPhone, your company has been reeling in cash, but it’s also been exhausting the network and destroying both your reputation and credibility. Once the 3G came out, reception and connection for both 3G and EDGE users went down the drain and it is yet to be recovered. All the people are asking for is for you to follow through with the promises you make. If you say you have “the fastest 3G network in the nation”, you better have the fastest 3G network in the nation. Anyone using an iPhone can tell you that this is just not true. If anything, you have the slowest 3G network in the nation with the most dropped calls and the least amount of coverage. Speaking of which, stop makings excuses for your shabby service. People expect to receive what you are advertising and promising. Being the exclusive provider for the iPhone in America, American consumers expect you to be fully prepared and ready to uphold all the advanced features of the iPhone without eliminating or dragging down the rest of the more basic ones, like Voicemail. On the same note, I’m glad I can finally send picture messages, a feature that has been available on most phones for nearly a decade, but for Christ’s sake, give us tethering! And don’t charge us extra for it. Above all, admit your faults. Everyone knows how crappy your network is, so do something to make up for it! Maybe start with including SMS in your so-called “Unlimited data plan”, since it is, after all, merely data transfer. Next time I’m in the market for a phone, I’m going to need to find one that is first a phone, then a smartphone. And above all, I’ll be switching networks. Thanks for nothing.

Arteen Arabshahi

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