Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Hypertext Proposal

The dishonorable person

The person being lied to

If a person is using other people in their lie…them

Authority figures




Friends…authority figures…compulsive liars…community…morally correct people


Conflict:  Dishonorable or dishonest people impose on the moral codes of individuals who choose to made ethical decisions and live their lives in honest ways.  These same dishonorable or dishonest people inadvertently force respectable individuals to test their own beliefs and often inflict feelings of guilt on these reputable people.  These forced feelings make these well thought-of people to question their own beliefs and often make them feel as if they are making a poor decision when in reality they are being forced into uncomfortable circumstances. 


Conversely, these immoral beings are trying to justify their actions and decision to make poor choices.  These people choose to lie or make take other unethical paths in their lives while causing other humans within their community grief due to the fact they must make a decision either based off of loyalty or personal principles.  This is unfortunate due to the fact these well-respected individuals are put in a morally challenging position despite the fact they are not in the wrong.  Another reason as to why these individuals choose to make unethical decisions is because they feel as if they must enhance their lives through false pretenses.  They are not morally strong enough to achieve their goals by working hard and putting genuine effort into accomplishing their objectives.


Dishonorable people put others in their community, and sometimes their friends, in uncomfortable positions in which they, the morally correct persons, question themselves and their values and are put in positions where they have to make decisions they should not have to. 


In my hypertext I will discuss what it means to be honorable.  While individuals are entitled to their own beliefs and set of personal core values, there are accepted values that are viewed as ethical and morally correct within society.  This hypertext will dip into sociological or psychological viewpoint of what constitutes morality and honesty.  To whom are individuals responsible to act honorably towards and what constitutes ethical actions within society?  

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