Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Briana MacDonald's Analytical Hypertext

I want to write my hypertext on resigning from people smoking cigarettes. I’m taking a stand against smoking because it is detrimental to peoples heath and society. It not only harms the smoker but other people as well. The fact that smoking indirectly hurts other people and not just the smoker itself, is one of the top reasons why it is so bad. Smoking cigarettes is bad because...
a.) it’s damaging to one’s health
b.) it can cause lung cancer
c.) second hand smoke is equally as deadly
d.) it pollutes the air
e.) it smells bad
f.) it effects everyone
g.) it can harm people in the vicinity who are allergic and can put them into anaphylactic shock

These are just some of the many reasons why smoking cigarettes is bad. But on the other hand, there are many people who think that smoking is okay, and have justified to themselves, and others, why it’s acceptable. From a smokers standpoint it is hard to quit. Many become addicted and find it impossible to stop, even if they want to. It’s an addiction they just can’t break; even with the help of nicotine patches and similar techniques smoking can be a hard habit to quit. Many people smoke for recreation, or as a reward or find pleasure in smoking. They do it because it makes them feel better and enjoy it. For many others, smoking is a way for them to relieve stress when things in life get tense or when they are anxious. Originally, back in the sixties and seventies smoking was considered “cool.” Of course, this was before people were aware of the health problems associated with smoking, but people still today feel that smoking is cool. Some people have a history of smoking in their family, and it gets passed onto them since they grew up in a smoking environment.

Another completely different side to this though, is from the eyes of the cigarette/tobacco industry. The cigarette companies want to promote smoking because it boosts their revenue and builds their empire. They don’t care about the negative impacts, they just care about making a profit and increasing their stocks.

So in this there are three major groups.
1.) The smokers
2.) The non-smoking bystanders
  • people allergic to smoke
  • lung cancer victims
  • anti-smoking campaigners
3.) The tobacco industry and affiliates
  • stock holders/investors
  • stores that sell cigarettes

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