Thursday, April 15, 2010

Topic Proposal

For my research hypertext on “Little Brother”, I want to focus on the question how powerful youth in our society are. I believe that Doctorow has many answers to this question but his main idea is that youth are extremely powerful. Though the main characters in the novel are young and often show their immaturity, they are powerful enough to take down Homeland Security; something adults couldn’t accomplish. Doctorow also uses the slogan “don’t trust anyone over 25” and large number of teens who support Marcus on Xnet to show that teens are an influential force.
In the 2008 presidential race, eighteen percent of the voters were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-nine. Youth played an important role in using technology such as blogs and youtube videos as a way to support candidates. It is indisputable that youth hold a large amount of power in our society.

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