Thursday, April 29, 2010

Script idea- Rebecca

I do not like my script idea, in any way. I need to develop it into something that is more relevant to Little Brother and be able to create characters that the audience can identify with. I think that the first step is picking a genre for my script, after that I will be able to brainstorm more ideas and zero in on one. My top picks for genre would be comedy or drama, and since these are two very different genres it is proving itself difficult to just decide on one.
I must think of an idea that I am willing to marry.
I think I would really like to pitch the idea of Ange's point of view when falling "in love" with Marcus. Since I believe her character to be oddly obsessive and controlling I would like to be able to portray her thoughts while going through the story line of the novel. The movie will be mostly a dramatic love story, borderline melodramatic since that is basically what the novel is, and with sparse comedy, only to emphasize her obsession. Ange would be the protagonist with her main conflict being her journey in pursuing Marcus. The antagonist would have to be Marcus' resistance, and his previous attraction to Van.

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