Thursday, April 29, 2010

screenplay idea

I started the day with a lot of scattered ideas. My ideas where not very good or plausible. I got the idea from the video we watched to make it a news cast and i that helped. Then i moved on to using my hypertext ideas to drive my screenplay. I come up with an awesome idea for a screenplay. I want to create a news cast about four student who's teacher failed them and they wanted to get even. They come up with a plan to fail the standardized test so that the teacher would look bad but the plan back lashed and the students got all college admissions revoked! After the news cast end with a warning to student about the importance of standardized testing the screen will go black and success stories of the kids in the story will appear. The storeys will be along the line of major susses even after what happened. For example Marcus will become a major computer programmer, creating a system that causes Microsoft to look like a glitch.

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