Thursday, April 15, 2010

Research Topic-Dugoni

Cory Doctorow’s novel Little Brother attempts to answer the question “Can Governments terrorize/be terroristic?” Throughout the novel, it is clear that Doctorow thinks that even the most Democratic nation in the world, America, can turn towards totalitarianism in its effort towards security. It is clear that Doctorow believes that at its core, a democracy can become a repressive government. But what is the cost of justice? Of freedom? What can people do when they know that the authority is wrong and dishonest, but hold all the power? The protagonist in the novel, Marcus, becomes aware of the injustice and tyranny after he was taken in and interrogated on belief that he was a terrorist. Doctorow gives huge examples of how tyrannical a government can be through the terrorist bombing of San Francisco, when the government, in its own fear, strikes terror on the people through their repressive actions and the establishment of a police state. Most of the literature I have looked at so far have had to do with tyrannical governments, tyranny versus liberty, and terrorist activity. Most of the literature is concerned about showing how tyrannical governments act and what defines terrorism and its actions. Doctorow attempts to explain that even a “perfect democracy” like America can become a repressive government.

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