Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Anthony Mejia

1. What is the nature of the scholarly problem or debate to which my project is addressing itself?
The nature of my scholarly problem is the understanding of why children enter the world of dealing drugs. My project addresses the reasons why children do it, and the background to it that makes it easily accessible to do it.

2. What is the unique contribution that my project makes to that particular problem or debate?
Th unique contribution that my project has is that it contains accounts that I have heard from other people, and I have put them into a different form to hide any peoples identities.

3. What are the conceptual tools that I am employing in my analysis that I have drawn from the class reading?
The conceptual tools that i am using from the class readings is the idea of the predator and its prey the people. The children who are young and innocent are influenced by the predator the drug dealers and those people who are addicted to drugs. These children are changed into what they are because of their small age.

4. How successful have I been at evoking the lived experience of people doing this work?
I have done a reasonable job evoking the experiences children have when living a low wage life and at the same time dealing drugs.

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