Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My Machinima Movie Description...

It's 10 years after the San Francisco Bay Bridge bombing. The terrorist threat is high. Surveillance of the public is everywhere; especially video surveillance. Facial recognition software has been implemented on a wide scale. The story follows 20 year old UCLA student Liam Fishcer when one day he gets mixed up on a facial recognition software as a terrorist suspect and the Department of Homeland Security/Government begin watching/following him/invading his privacy. Eventually they capture him after he's run/hid from them because he feels like he has something to hide/they uncovered secrets. They interrogate him, stuff happens; but ultimately realize he's not the guy they thought he might be. Liam Fischer begins fighting the new video surveillance systems, gets the news involved, and in the end becomes the hero and a privacy law is passed. There's a bunch more characters too I just don't know how they all will fit into it yet. The plot will be a lot more complex I just haven't worked it all out yet and made it cohesive. Marcus and the characters from Little Brother will not be in it, and its gonna be more of a spin off of some of the ideas from the book more so than an adaptation of what happens in Little Brother.

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