Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Idea for hypertext-Rebecca Murillo

For this hypertext I aspire to focus on the branch of low-wage workers in education., specifically those that work in food production business. In the hypertext I will explore the manufacturers of the food and how it is packed, shipped, and presented to the hungry students of various schools. I will discuss the overall irony that many of these workers may not have the same level of education of the students they are serving. I aspire to get points of view from students and possibly the workers. In this, I hope to further delve into the process of food production from the factories to the cafeteria. I will also be discussing how the budget cuts affect this industry and its workers. I will possibly have a section solely dedicated to these budget cuts and just what exactly they entailed and how it has affected many schools, including my former high school. In accordance with the cafeteria food I will also discuss the wellness policy enacted at some school and how that affected the business of the manufacturers that had previously been pumping the schools with saturated fats and precursors for future health problems. In this I would also like to discuss if the wellness policy is in fact working and if it will ultimately work in the long run. In doing all of these things I hope to show that importance of an education and further emphasize Shipler’s idea of cause and effect and how the most minor mistakes in your life can dramatically alter who you eventually become.

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