The design of my website took inspiration from a few other sites. The appearance of the raised page comes from two weblogs that I frequent;, and There is a much more profound drop shadow on diditleak, and I liked the raised appearance that it gave. The thinly lined backdrop was loosely inspired by the tab website;
The site logo uses a font (ascent to stardom) that I have used before in other artwork, and felt it appropriate to use. Stylistically I felt that with the “raised page” effect, I could also go for a tabbed effect for my navigation bar. This gives the appearance that the page is completely seamless and more tangible.
As for the fonts used on the pages, I decided to go with completely sans-serif fonts. This gives it a more modern look, and was keeping with the overall design of the page. While the logo and the typeface used for the navigation bar are both serif fonts, they blend perfectly fine with the rest of the page.
The .css file that I created for the site has only three classes of text. I feel that this will provide a uniform look for the site, and wnt confuse users as they browse from page to page. The title text has a heavier weight and a larger face, seeing as it needs to draw the attention of the user. Body text is formatted to be 12 point for readability, and the caption text class is formatted to be a smaller size font to be put at the foot of pictures, and to provide extra links at the bottom of the page. Finally, anchor tags were reformatted and colored orange, and had text-decoration removed in the up, visited and down stages. Hovering over a link will cause an underline to appear, prompting the user to click.
Lastly, every single page on the site is universally formatted to look the same way. Using css and the same header and footer for every page I believe will best help communicate the ideas. After all, medium is the message, and design is just as important as the words written on the page.
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