WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME!!?? Seriously, I am sick and tired of playing the guessing game with you. It’s never clear. All I get is your dumb ranting about guys who aren’t perfect, or guys who have something, but for some reason, it’s not enough. It’s really getting old. First you want a manly man, then you want a sensitive guy, but it’s never good enough to meet your expectations.
The first thing I hear you say is I want a manly man. Let’s face it ladies, manly men are gross assholes. Manly men are only caring about one thing, themselves. I don’t even get why you would want that. “Yeah bro, let’s go work out and then drink beer” is something you’ll most likely here from these type of guys. They’re gross. They’ll burp in your face, not shower for days, and generally not give a crap about anything you do, say, or want.
Why are you interested in these guys? It seems like you want a simple minded, naïve jerk. The way these guys function is that they only have one thing on their mind, getting laid. They don’t care. If they seem that way, it’s probably related to the aforementioned goal.
After you realize that the manly man isn’t what you’re looking for, you want the sensitive guy. You know, the guy who will actually care about you. This is the type of guy usually plays guitar, writes poetry, and wears glasses. He will do anything you want because he wants to see you happy. It all starts out well, but there’s something missing with this guy too. He actually listens to you but doesn’t stand up for himself. You want the manliness. It’s not enough that he will shave because you want him to, or that he will follow you into the darkness of your heart (or some deep crap like that). You will dump him because he has no aggressiveness, i.e. isn’t the manly man. He will probably watch you make the same mistake you made in dating the other guy because he just wants you to be happy. He acts like to much of a “fag” to be with you. Again, us men are not good enough for you.
I guess the perfect man for you is a mixture of both. That I can understand, but then the issue of looks gets in the way. All I her from women is, “I want a guy who just likes me for me.” This problem could be solved if you dated the faggot who wasn’t good enough for you, but like I said, the majority of men who look like Brad Pitt care about your personality. Sure that guy awkwardly sitting in his room isn’t the best looking guy, but he’ll actually like you for you. But there you go, wanting your own personal John Mayer.
In conclusion, I am resigning because it’s too hard to fit into your forever changing standards. And let’s face it, if we were to follow your standards the only girl who would get a guy like this,
two groups: men who want to be accepted for who they are, and the women who think they are too good for them.
ReplyDeleteRelated groups: women who want to be accepted for who they are, and the men who think they're good/"attractive" for them.
men who are sweet and get ignored, men who are asses and get all the girls.
I pretty much don't know what to put.