Hey all you people, minorities still speak English, and I freaking quit
You know who you are. What gives you the right to talk to people that way? You’re an educated person, just because they aren’t white doesn’t mean they don’t HA-BLA INGLES. And guess what? You don’t speak Spanish. And even if you do speak perfect Spanish, why is it you automatically assume you have to speak it to somebody of Hispanic decent? Why do you assume they don’t speak English? Because they’re skin is darker than yours and they work at a restaurant? How does that make you look? Give them the benefit of the doubt; if they don’t understand you then try and communicate in what broken Spanish you know, I respect that. They live in the same country you do, they pay the same taxes you do, why would you think they don’t speak English. Not every Hispanic person in this country is an illegal alien incapable of communicating with you. Don’t insult their intelligence by “stooping down” to their language. You insult your OWN intelligence when you sit there and butcher a language you don’t speak and sound like a complete idiot. You call yourself a person of equal opportunity, you’re “so not a racist” but when you talk to somebody as if they’re stupid, that’s racist to me. Excuse them for being bi-lingual, how dare they have a little more culture than you. When they hand you something, say THANK YOU they understand that just as well as GRACIAS. You’re no better than them, how do you know they won’t understand you. That’s just as racist as blatantly discriminating against a group of people. Granted there are illegal people in this country sure, but most of the Hispanics or any race for that matter, in this country are AMERICANS just like you and me. So next time you order a burrito, ask them in English because guess what? They most likely will understand you! And for this reason I quit you’re just closet racists
All the groups i was thinking of are already listed above so you should be good.