Thursday, October 8, 2009

I’m done. I am done being grouped together with those crazy paint throwing, tree hugging, sign bearing animal rights extremists. I am sick of them giving animal rights lovers and activists a bad name. They are the reason animal rights issues are not being taken seriously and their irrational and aggressive tactics need to stop. There is a smart, sane, and sensible way to go about protecting animals and certain animal rights groups have strayed away from helping animals and moved towards violent and aggressive actions towards certain individuals and companies who are in favor of animal testing and other inhumane treatment of animals. There is a balance that can be met but these people are averting people’s attention to their foolish acts. As an animal lover I am embarrassed for them and I am done being grouped with their protests and violent messages. Our goal is to stop animal cruelty and move towards setting up laws for their protection and we need to keep that as our focus. There are many animal lovers who shy away from joining movements or taking a stand in fear that they might turn into some violent protest. In order to be taken seriously and really get our message across we must reevaluate or means of communication to the authorities that can get the job done.

I am not some crazy vegan who walks around with flyers showing pictures of animal cruelty or stands of street corners yelling to the crowds that they are murderers. I am an animal lover who is in favor or protecting animals because they cannot protect themselves. I am not against using animals for scientific testing because it opens doors to cures for diseases but a line must be drawn to separate science for ethics. There is such a thing as too far and we need to make certain people know when they’ve reached it.

We can continue to push things like animal rights aside for more prominent political issues but eventually there treatment must be addressed and when that happens I will be there, not covered in red paint or waving a sign but standing there in support of a cause I believe in. The more people we can get to support our movement without resorting to sadistic or ludicrous means the better. I am not trying to take away the passion that extremists feel but I am trying to direct that passion into getting laws in place and keeping animals safe. So, to all the people chaining themselves to laboratories or walking the streets with flyers you too should resign yourselves from the extremists route and join the rational cause to promote animal rights.

See ya,


1 comment:

  1. people affected: you yourself,the people on the streets that see these extremists, the scientists doing the experiments, maybe the institutions that fund the science, the animal rights extremists.

    conflict: the animal rights extremists are taking things out of proportion when dealing with fighting for the cause, making it seem to other people as something that does not matter.
