Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Quitting isn't losing. :)

I freakin’ quit.

Dear SAT classes,

Please give me back two years of my life. I hate how my asian parents were sucked into the whole “SAT is more important than LIFE ITSELF” mindset. I hate how I was forced to go to SAT classes starting from the beginning of high school until I quit the beginning of Junior year. They were annoying, time-consuming, pointless, and a WASTE. OF. TIME. I remember those cold winter days I walked over to those fucking SAT classes right after school ended, sit in a too stuffy or too cold room taking STUPID notes. For. THREE. Hours. And then after that, stand outside while waiting for my parents to pick me up so I could go straight home and do my actual school homework. The stuff that you know, actually COUNTS?

You know who the person in charge was? Some annoying asian lady who never actually took the test herself. How was that even WORK? At least have taken the horrible tests yourself. I bet you would have failed it. Don’t try to make money by exploiting crazy and desperate parents such as mine. It was like, throwing money into a trashcan or an endless black hole, because nothing helped. The two years I was there, my SAT score improved by a grand total of 100 points. And the half a year I spent studying on my own, and NOT spending a few grand, I improved my school grades AND my SAT score increased by 300. In your face, suckers.

I hate how parents are sucked into the whole hype about how SAT scores can make or break you. I got a really high SAT score, with a full score in writing and very high scores in math and reading, but guess what? I still didn’t get into my first two choices. SAT scores are NOT the road to success. I wish I didn’t waste all those hundreds and hundreds of hours sitting in a stupid little room listening to a college professor out to make a few easy K’s every weekend. I could have done things WORTH doing, like stay on top of homework in school and make more memories with my friends.

My parents wouldn’t let me go to the birthday parties that were at the same time as those fucking SAT classes, and guess when birthday parties are usually held? Saturdays or Sundays. Where was I every Saturday and Sunday? Doing nothing. Sure, I was in “class” and listening to “lectures” but they ended up not helping, so. Nothing.

A complete waste of time. I want to go back in time and tell my parents. HELL. NO. I’m not going to take those classes. Eventually I did say that, and they let me drop the beginning of junior year. But the two years before then? Full of regrets. Of the useless thing I did and the awesome things I COULD have done.

Give me back my life, you retarded SAT classes! Go to hell and rot, those asian ladies who decide to open SAT classes. I feel for you, you poor teenagers who are currently being pushed to take SAT classes. I really feel for you.

Love, Sarana

1 comment:

  1. Sarana! I LOVE this. So true. I did an SAT class on Saturday mornings, had to miss a lot of stuff just to improve my score by... 100 points. Anyways some possible groups for you are parents, students, SAT class teachers, college admission offices.
