Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why my webpage sucks

My website does not suck because I like my opening title page. Suprisingly, it actually doesn't look as bad as I thought. My youtube link on my splash page however doesn't work so my website actually does suck so far.

The flash buttons are super cool so that is another reason why my site does not suck.

Overall however, my website so far pretty much sucks.

After having read the last three articles there are definately some changes I should make to my site.

digital reading involves much more browsing and scanning, and much less in depth concentrated reading. This means that when I have large chunks of writing that aren't broken up by a picture or other type of distraction, then the reader gets bored and I can lose my audience. If most people skim through my website then it could help to bold or underline certain key points (kind of like a science text book works)


  1. I really like the engaging nature of your main page. The way you categorized your subtopics provided good organization for the whole site. You might want to make sure you do no have to scroll down on your homepage and just in general evaluate the layout in terms of scrolling and spacing on your pages. Overall, excellent work!

  2. I'm not too sure I like the background color, it's pretty distracting. Maybe a different tint of blue or something would be better, more gray and not so bright. Navigation is a little difficult right now, though since it's not done that makes sense. But there are a couple pages that only have links to that page, or have confusing links, which makes it hard to get through it. The title of the webpage makes it pretty obvious what it's about, but get to the point a little quicker on the main page. It takes a lot of reading to get to where you explain your point.

  3. I do like the aesthetics of this website. especially the way that the text is broken up into smaller parts that are easier for the reader to get to the point. However, it would be more helpful for you to put your links to all the pages within your website on every page, in order for the viewer to be able to navigate quicker and easier.

  4. Simple color, and I like the font you chose for the top title. Except it's a little blurry near the edges. Text is easy to read.

    What you're writing about is also interesting. I didn't realize that restaurants and grocery stores wasted so much food. Especially since there are so many starving children out there.

    Maybe try to make the stuff on each page move around less? Like, I clicked Restaurants & Waste and the page got really big.

  5. I like:
    -the imagery
    -good amounts of information
    -simple design

    Things to imporve on:
    -Difficult to navigate all of the areas of the site because some of the links can only be found through other links
    -background image needs to be less bold
    -everything seems very free floating, some organization might benefit the appearance

  6. the examples and pictures are great and illustrative. the first page is really long and goes down too far to be interesting, try to get it all up to the top. try to keep some consistancy and predictability in your navigation and menus, the buttons are good, but try to keep them in the same spots

  7. the animated navigation bars are rather annoying. things like that prove to be very distracting and will take focus away from the points that you are trying to articulate. Also try to make your navigation bar the same on every page, being introduced to a new system of navigation on every single page will force the user to concentrate on navigation, and will probably annoy users.

    i think that the green undecorated links are a good idea, and add a somewhat modernized look.

    as for the actual writing, i think that you should try to write out your thesis, and put it on the page up high so that anyone visiting can clearly understand what points you are trying to convey
