Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tom Allen Website #2

The two reasons why my website does not suck are:
1. The home page does not take more than 4 seconds to load.
2. The links are clearly labeled and easy to find.

The two reasons why my website does suck are:
1. I used center page text on more than just the headline.
2. You have to scroll from side to side to get all of the important criteria on one page.

My website:


  1. Tom, i really like the comcept of your website. The articles are well written, and easy to understand because of the keywords you use. I am able to skim it and really get what you are trying to say. Also, because the Navigation tabs are the same as your page titles,I can tell where I am on the site. Not that navigation is difficult, but in the future please put a navbar on the bottom too.
    Also the text should be on the left because thats where our eyes put the most attention to when skimming a webpage.

  2. I think your website has a good topic because i was immediately intrested and i like how everything was easy to get to on your page. But one thing i didnt like because i had to scroll sideways to get to see the text or some pictures. And also you had all over your pages on the navagation bar, i think you could have slit them up a little but other than that it was pretty cool.

  3. I really liked your website and how you showed both the positive and negatives of boarding school. It was easy to get what your website was about and was easy to navigate around it. I thought the amount of text you had was a good amount that didn't discourage me from reading.
    It was a little annoying to have to scroll sideways and I think your last page could be your first page (the one about how your not putting boarding schools down) but other than that good job.

  4. I like...
    - Your color scheme
    - Choice of images
    - You have a LOT of informational links which can be helpful
    I would improve on:
    - I think your splash page is too text heavy... maybe spread it out on different pages?
    - You have to scroll just to get through the navigation bar.. maybe split it up into two?
    GOOD JOB.( I accidently posted on your ideas blog.. woops!)
