Thursday, October 8, 2009


I Resign:

Dearest Mentality,

You may be great at all other times of the day (I mean, let’s face it, you’re pretty awesome.) But during workouts, you really need to shape up…really. I’m sick of this can’t do attitude. I’m tired of you telling me I’m tied, and that I need to give up, and that its okay to slow down just a bit, because it’s really not. It’s a workout for cryin’ out loud, hence, it’s supposed to be hard, so you really need to understand that. Giving up is for wusses, of which I would like to think I am not. So you need to man up! Eat some steak, watch some football, demonstrate a complete lack of interest in personal hygiene, I don’t care. As long as whatever you do will help me get through the pain, through the aches, through your screams of “just stop already!” or even my favorite “it’s not worth it!” Because, to me it is worth it, I mean, it’s what I came to college for. To participate in something I love to do, and make the necessary sacrifices to do well in this sport. And I don’t need you telling me I can’t do it. How is that supposed to help me improve? The answer to that question is that it won’t help me improve at all. I want to be able to prove to these people, the ones, judging me, that I can do this, that I am not a quitter, and that I am strong. I am strong enough, and I will be able to prove it with your help. All I need for you to do is shut up, and let me run. Because these people have been judging me for so long. I can feel it. They think I am still an amateur, I do only have two years of this sport under my belt, but why does that call for their stares and their hurtful words? I am still in this sport aren’t I? I’m obviously trying to improve, to better myself in their eyes. I just want the respect that they give others, so that I may feel apart of the running community. After all, one the innate feelings in humans is to belong to a group (yeah , I read about it in psychology, just thought I’d slip that in there, doesn’t it make me sound smart?) So why can’t I belong? It is only natural.

So, workout mentality, think you can give it a shot? Think it’s worth it? Because I would love for you to prove to me that you won’t give, and the only reason I will know that is if I don’t give up. I jut want you to know that I am counting on you to get me through this, and that I believe in the both of us. We need to stick together, but most importantly we need to stay strong.

Best regards,

Rebecca Murillo

P.S. Don’t let me down.

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