Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I resign

You want to know what I hate? People in general, as surprising as it sounds. No wait let me take that back, you know what I hate? I hate the ignorance of people. Everyone has the biases, everyone has a different background and no one knows everything but does that mean you must stay in you own little world and not experience or get to know all that you could. Then this leads to stereotyping, racism and all the bad things. The biggest part of this to me is the stereotyping that I receive constantly through out the day. For numerous reasons, but you want to know the stereotyping I get all the time and I’m sure others like me get all the time but rarely gets talked about? Student Athlete discrimination. I know plenty of you guys are out there like “what kind of crap is that!” the athletes get it good everywhere, your popular, you get all the girls and all the teachers let you off easy. For me the last one has been true and the complete opposite at times. Teachers assume that you don’t know what your doing and so they are extremely lenient on you to “help keep up your grades”. I didn’t need teachers to give me a total different workload that was extremely different from the other students. To a certain extent extra help is good because if you miss class you can go into office hours or extensions on certain assignments but some teachers would take it way too far. On the other hand I had teachers that I felt had it out for me, constantly asking if I wanted to take this class, or constantly reminding me if I didn’t do a certain assignment I would fail the class or bombarding me with extra assignment for missing class even through I told them long ahead of schedule that I was going to miss that date. I’ve also noticed that the sport you play is correlated with the degree of discrimination you face, I feel that basketball and football face the most even though football teams at least in high school miss the least amount of class. Most of the other sports don’t face too much of a problem like, volleyball, baseball or track and field. I also feel student athlete discrimination reaches far out past the class room. The stereotype of an athlete is all over the media from your favorite tv shows to movies. An athlete is always shown as someone outside of their sport never know what’s going on and they are extremely slow. This could be seen in movies like He Got Game or Not Another Teen Movie and many others. Also another stereotype that athletes haft to over come is that every athlete is a jock and don’t care about anything but their popularity and their game, also seen in a lot of movies and I’m pretty sure everyone knows what I’m talking about. The worse part of this is that it feels like there is nothing you could do about it, if you got an answer that will actually work, let me know.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    So I'm guessing your "Like Me" perspective would consist of other student athletes, your parents, your close friends and your "Like Them" perspective would consist of teachers, possible coaches, the school in general, media, and general stereotypes that student-athletes have to face. I think you should definitely concentrate on how media (like movies) portray student athletes, how teachers treat student-athletes different (sometimes unfairly) than other students, how student-athletes feel pressure to measure up to both athletic and academic standards, how parents deal with their own children being treated unfairly and maybe even how other (non-athletic) students judge student athletes. I think you have a really good subject and a good start on things. I hope this helps, let me know if you want anymore feedback.
