Thursday, October 22, 2009

Website Critique Julia Mink

BAD: stupid text on links, side scrolling homepage, some of the sites content may be considered offensive

GOOD: intriguing homepage, funny pictures/videos

6 Ideas of Revision
Organize your site into 2 or 3 groups.
Keep the menu items in the same place.

Make certain words in the text link to other pages.
Split up paragraphs. People like to read shorter passages.

Show numbers as numerals.
Text should be ultra concise.


  1. I think your site is relaly clever Julia! I love the names of the tabs like "OMGZ" and "No Way". I think you have a lot of good pictures and you incorporated videos which is good! I think to enchance it you might want fix the homepage a little so the text doesn't go all goofy when you change the screen size. Also, Maybe keep the navigation bar in one place (like choose either on top of the page, or put it on the side). All your links seem to work, and the content is good, plus it is easy to navigate so goodjob!

  2. Checklist:
    Your WEBSITE IS SO COOL!!!!!! :)
    I like the information that you provide regarding celebrity gossip. It is very factual and believable. It might also be interesting to see the point of view of paparazzi...or the gossipers following these celebrities lives. The layout is very creative and the links work well.. they all send me to another page without any glitches. All the titles are really intriguing and make me want to click on a link. The homepage gives a good summary of the entire topic and makes me want to navigate around the website. Good work! I can't wait to see the finished product.

  3. The topic of your website is very good and interesting. Your use of buttons is really good and the headings of the links are creative. Some problems in your site would be the home page, the box of writing seems to be really long making it not pleasing to the eye. The background image, eventhough looks good, seems to be too out there and takes the attention away from what you are writing

  4. -the background really matches the overall theme of the site, makes it come full circle
    -On your home page you might want to make the text a little bigger. Since this is the only page that you are using the magazine logos in your background with several colors it would help to have the text be in bold are just a bit bigger.
    -Good use of the font-image website
    -Might want to make all you pictures around the same size, might make it more aesthetically pleasing (aligned and such)

  5. Dear Julia

    Good things:
    - very entertaining
    - pictures and media are interesting

    Things to improve:
    - a lot of things goign on on teh page, hard to read text
    - cannot tell what the main point of each page is by qickly looking
    - tabs dont' say much about what is on that page

  6. 1. Is navigation easy?
    navigation is easy because the navigation bar is large and the same on each page but by keeping it in the same spot (on the top) it would make it that much easier to get around your website
    2. Can you spend less than 5 seconds on each page and still comprehend the purpose/information?
    yes, 5 seconds is enough time to understand the info and what the major ideas are
    3. Are keywords/point highlighted?
    no, maybe highlight a few words or ideas so we know what the main focuses or ideas are...maybe make them a different color or bold them so people know thats where their eyes should go
    4. Is the website visually stimulating and do the images work?
    the website is visually stimulating especially since the background is so detailed/obvious...the pictures and videos also add to the appearance and are relevant to what you are trying to convey
    5. Are there logical categories with the information within the categories making sense?
    it could be just me but i dont know what your categories mean. that could be good way to convince readers to click on the various tabs but maybe a more general description or title might do a better job of letting the reader know what they are getting into

    i thought the website idea was interesting and that what you have so far is fun to read and easy to look at. your colloquial writing also makes the website entertaining. success.
