Monday, October 5, 2009

Inspiration article

Originally, the website I had made was to simply inform the reader about the food my people love to eat. This changed after Professor’s review of my original draft. He said, “You obviously know what you are doing.” This is when I realized I could make the site better than it already was.
In terms of the articles, I revamped some of the articles to not only express my love of Filipino food, but also its communal aspects. Filipino food represents community: from gathering the ingredients, to cooking it, to eating it. I wanted to get that message across more than how great the food actually tastes.
In terms of web site design I was heavily inspired by one of my favorite websites, Cracked is a humor site with mostly articles. The articles are spread throughout different pages and all linked together somehow. The sarcastic titles and heavy use of parenthesis marks is what I used in my site and article design. Also the heavy use of pictures with comical captions is also taken from the Cracked repertoire. Another Site I took inspiration from was the Future of Web Apps site. I appreciated how the brightly colored text appeared so vibrant against the black background. I wanted the colors of the Filipino flag to stand out and go throughout the website without actually inserting a flag picture. To make navigation back to the homepage easier, I put a hot spot over the page header just like on The Morning News site. This site also gave me the idea put pictures beside articles rather than just above or below. In terms of font, most of my inspiration was taken from Meagan Fisher’s various sites. Her titles to her articles look like they were put through a typewriter, while the actual content usually is a stiff-looking, but gentle font. Finally, the last revision was the addition of a recipe page. The layout of the recipe page follows the format of At this site, the first recipe you see is usually an easy one, but it then licks to even more.
In conclusion, I am happy with the way the site turned out. I got my message across and the interface is easy to navigate difficult to get bored in. Over all I believe it is a success.

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