Monday, October 5, 2009


hey everyone here's a link to my website:

When I first heard the words “design and publish your own website” I’ll be honest I may have gone into shock. Technology is not my forte so the fact that I not only had to USE a computer but also had to create my own website completely overwhelmed me. However, slowly but surely, my fears were alleviated as we went through the process step by step. Although I am certainly not an expert on web desgin, I do feel that I have learned a lot about the process of creating, designing, and most importantly, redesigning my very own website. I guess the first lesson I have learned through this process is that building a website takes patience, effort, and innovation. While getting the information published is crucial, an effective website requires an enormous amount of thought from the color and size of a font to the background and images chosen. Luckily, provided me with hundreds of user-friendly and aesthetically appealing backgrounds, font types, and menu bars. My color scheme is different shades of orange because it is not only visually appealing but also is one of the central colors associated with the Multiple Sclerosis logo found on For my images, I included pictures of my family members and friends in order to make the website more personal and unique. I found some of my backgrounds here:http://www.coolfo. Although I stuck to mostly basic fonts I used as a springboard for what types of fonts would be most appropriate and appealing for my viewers. I have also found that viewing the work of others is helpful in modeling my own website so I often referred to to get ideas on how to make my pages visually appealing. While this process was very daunting and oftentimes frustrating, the fact that I am a published author on the worldwide web is pretty exciting!

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