Thursday, April 1, 2010

Marcus Comes to Dinner At My House

Pre-DHS investigation

Me: "Yeah?"
Marcus: "Hey, I'm Marcus. I'm here to see Ricky."
Me: "Okay, come in."
Me: "Ricky, someone's here for you!"
Ricky: "Hey, Marcus. We're about to eat dinner, want to stay?"
Marcus: "Yeah, sure. My mom's mad at me anyway because I figured out a way to screw up all her TiVo recordings. I could use a break from home..."
Ricky: "Hey Mom, this is Marcus. He's going to stay for dinner, okay?"
Mom: "Sure, no problem...we're having burgers. How are you Marcus?"
Marcus: "Um, actually I've been better. Today at school I almost got caught hacking into the library system, and this afternoon I blocked 'Desperate Housewives' off my mom's TiVo. Needless to say, she's pissed..."
Mom: "Okay...why?"
Marcus: "That stuff is trash, and there is nothing she can do about it now. In our household, that show no longer exists."
Mom: "Great, medium or medium well?"

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