Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hackers R Us

I did a graphical novel interpretation, 4 comics, of the first five chapters of Little Brother, by Cory Doctorow. I tried to bring out some of the less touched upon themes such as the Darryl and Val romance and where the Department of Homeland Security actually took Marcus and his friends (fan fiction took me to the desert). I have found the novel very interesting those far given the plot and topics. Marcus, Julo, Darryl, and Val (all very technologically gifted individuals) are detained by the US Government during what was thought to be a terrorist attack in San Francisco. Trying to plead their case against DHS's suspicions, they are all released after a week after some semi- harsh treatment. At the end of chapter 5, Marcus realizes that his laptop at home that he built from scratch with Darryl, had been bugged (during the week that he was detained) and if he did anything even remotely suspicious he would be caught and re-detained, an experience which he obviously didn't like. He finds a means of communication through Xbox, an encrypted version, made by teens in the slums of Brazil, that nobody can track. Marcus piggybacks off a neighbors internet for free and now has an open line of communication and needs to get in touch which his friends and begin the search for Darryl who has gone missing following the release of Marcus and his friends from the Department of Homeland Security.

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