Thursday, April 1, 2010

W1n5ton Comes to Dinner At My House

(Outside of the house)
Mike: Alright try not to sound like such a nerd this time.
W1n5ton: Dude, your parents totally dig the tech vernacular.
Mike: No, they asked me if you were speaking gibberish last time you started talking about your online gaming.
W1n5ton: Well maybe your parents should learn something about technology instead of wasting their time reading books.
Mike: They're teachers Winston... give em a break.
W1n5ton: Fine... what the hell am i supposed to talk about then? Paleontology?
Mike: I don't know, figure something out. My dad likes sports...
W1n5ton: Well big whoop-dee-doo a bunch of brainless roid ragers running around hitting each other... sounds like a real intellectually stimulating topic...
Mike: You know what... we're not going inside anymore.
W1n5ton: What? Why? I'm just kidding dude I got this... (rings doorbell, father answers) Hello Mr. Adair, how are those Oakland Yankees doing this year???

to be continued....

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