1) What is the nature of the scholarly problem or debate to which my project is addressing itself?
The nature of the problem or debate that my project addresses deals with the impact on education that occurs from excessive hours in the work place particualr to the youth retail workers in the United States (and perhaps globally).
2) What is the unique contribution that my project makes to that particular problem or debate?
Offer statistics, kind of a scare tactic to show the importance of education...survey people in my surrounding and gather grades and other telling displays of educational level in order to generate these statistics. Perhaps even look at some of the "low-end" universities/colleges as well as high schools and see their "typical" student profile.
3) **What are the conceptual tools that I am employing in my analysis that I have drawn from class reading? (Erenreich, Schlosser, and Shipler)**
The laws/rules that are often broken in the low-wage industry (ie: bathroom and meal breaks)
sense of being more invested in the people than the actual work itself
4) How successful have I been at evoking the lived experience of people doing this work?
I have found blogs and am continuing research in the area of impact on education due to excessive time spent in the workplace.
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