What is the problem or conflict in the scholarly literature that my project is adressing?
My website is addressing the problems that construction workers who earn low wages face. Specifically, what happens to them in the event of an injury as well as how they deal with the physical and mental stress that they must endure on the job.
What is the original contribution that my website is making to that specific problem or conflict?
It is presenting the problems and showing ways in which the problems can possibly be solved. It gives an in-depth view of the struggles that construction workers face that other people may not have even though about.
What are the conceptual tools that I am bringing to the analyses from the assigned course reading?
I am using video media as well as pictures. Additionally, I am giving examples of certain wages as well as some of the insurance benefits a worker can have.
Which two or three prior student websites provided me with the most guidance?
Mike’s website on stem cell research as well as Andrew Agcaoilli’s website on boys and girls.
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